Following your Heart…

In modern world you’re supposed to make millions of decisions any given moment, your decisions vary from what you want to become to your daily dose of your Starbucks drink… These decisions makes us feel empowered. In reality, it is a well-crafted web of lies & illusions. Our current society expects us to behave in a certain mannerism, if you try to break them the consequences are either you’re look down upon (a.k.a old aunties talking behind your back/just nodding their head side to side) or you’re plastered with plain old statements “I condemn you to hell and (my personal favorite) Are you out of your mind.”

Following one’s heart could or couldn’t be a difficult choice at all; the major factors that keep us from following our heart are fear, pride, over thinking, society norms, money, ego and ourselves. We sometimes become our own worst enemy. Taking the first step is the most difficult/nerve-racking moment, be it telling our parents, spouses or friends, the career choices we want to make, marriage related decisions or the Netflix marathon options.

Whenever you are about to make a choice; evaluate your options, capabilities, willingness to work hard, adaptability, thought process and most importantly never regret your choices. Quite often we are all absorbed at some point of time in our lives the black hole of “what if”, seriously, stop doing that to yourself; you are just causing more harm.

At times following your heart is the most painful choice you will ever make, like leaving a relationship, or your job or getting a divorce. All these choices are life altering and the impact is not just felt in our lives but also in the lives of our loved ones. The key lies with calm mind and clear thought process. It takes hell lot of courage to take the first step and plus you have to belief in your future.

Please be aware that following your heart doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed the riches of the world, what it guarantees is the sense of satisfaction that you did what you wanted to do and carved your own path in this lifetime. It is more like a detox for the all the choices you’re supposed to make.

On a philosophical note, our true selves is partly based on what our hearts want, A right choice may seem correct at that particular moment but on a longer run it may not actually be the right choice, however if your choices act as a base of what your heart wants then you’re spared from a heartache.

Some of the best quote for following your heart;

“Where your treasure is, there also will be your heart.”
― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Do what you feel in your heart to be right- for you’ll be criticized anyway. You’ll be damned if you do, and damned if you don’t.
– Eleanor Roosevelt

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.
– Helen Keller

“Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other opinions drown your own inner voice and most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

– Steve Job

Marriage -be it arrange or love.

The most common question a 26-year-old faces is when are you getting married ? Arent your parent’s looking for a groom ? Are you seeing someone ? So on and so forth …. At times I give an excuse and at times I offer the truth.

What is the rush of getting married ? O wait my biological clock is ticking , I am not getting any younger by the day and majorly the choice of groom available for me are those so-called leftovers. Are you serious about these statements ? If this is the environment I am living in then, I rather be an outcast. As an individual you have a choice , if you are financially independent,confident and educated ; then you can achieve anything you want. don’t get bullied by the so-called society norms.

If you are getting married then you are putting your life on hold! NO, that’s not what I am stating , if you found the right guy or girl , then go for it. However if you are unsure about the future , then yes waiting is the better option than regretting the mistake. You have to understand that it is not just your life that you are ruining , there are other lives involved too. In last 4 years 6 of my friends got married and 5 of them filled for divorce, some of the reasons for divorce are beyond my imagination. I remember my meetings with these friends and their family during the trials the expression on their face , the disappointment in their eyes was clear ( it sent shivers down my spine & I couldn’t stop crying) and at times it took a toll on their health too. What I am trying to tell you is take your time in making this decision, it’s important one as it not only involves you and your family but also others and their emotions.

I am not ready for marriage and I know that very well , pressure from society or parents & friends will not change my decision till I feel I am ready . If you think you are ready for the responsibility then go for it , but if you are not – hold your horses. Making mistakes is not wrong either, I also acknowledge that there is always a possibility that things might not work out in future. There are people who gotten divorces less than few months into marriage , even though they courted each other for several years before marriage. Life offers a variety of unfortunate events and lessons , learn from them . What I am trying to tell you is be wise while making your decision , weigh both the pro’s and con’s . It’s a very simple question and yet powerful – are you ready ?.Understand yourself and acknowledge your needs, then select the right option.

Sometimes waiting makes sense and sometimes it doesn’t.I just don’t wanna be a reason of pain for others.hence I chose to wait and watch.

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