The decomposition of the brain

Substance abuse is one of the major contributor for brain damage; well on sarcastic level multiple options are available however I am here to talk about the negative thinking and over thinking. Let’s be honest, we live in a competitive world and we need a constant impulse to succeed or just to keep moving forward.

Motivation is a theoretical construct aka it’s all about the candy’s you’re willing to offering yourself to get off that couch. It is ensorcelling in many ways because it helps us achieve what we want, there are several theories explaining how “Motivation” works and these theories are actually implemented in our everyday lives. Motivation is an important factor influencing our behavior towards life, any lack fuels negative thought process, you unwittingly scum to depression and your inner demons take you for a ride (not a jolly one too!). So listen up my good fellows take time to understand what motivates you is it the praises from others, or the bling’s that you could afford to buy with your money or the name tags given to you by your superiors or parents, whatever floats your boat, hold on to it and never let it go (maybe for now).

Fear – sharks, lizards and ghosts. I will be honest I am not overcoming my fear of lizards, not in this lifetime. Sharks and ghosts, I promise to give our relationship another chance however if you try to bite me or possess me, then don’t expect me to stop the screaming fest.
Fear is a natural emotion and overcoming it is a part of evolution process. However, sometimes we’re engulfed in this limbo, were the fear takes controls of the brain, rejecting our logical reasoning, replaces confidence with doubt, provokes mistrust, breeds irrational behavior and what not emotional turmoil is trigger. Apparently there is two ways cure it and they are: Med’s and cognitive behavior therapy. I am still saying NOPE to lizards, you see how irrational I have become due to my fear.

Euphoria: I’m not talking about the band; I am talking about the emotional and mental state of mind. When was the last time you experienced this state of mind? – I did yesterday at the very moment when the Starbucks barista handed over my cup of coffee to me… OH MY GOD!! So back to you folks when was the last time you felt euphoria? If you’re constantly over thinking about something or avoiding the situation altogether, how will you know the joy of saying what you need to say or overcoming the situation. I hope you guys know euphoria could be induced by various methods (go read the Wikipedia for further information) .

Whenever I think of the word “mood”, my brain automatically starts singing in Kate Perry’s voice “Hot & Cold” song and I make sure my mouth is actually shut for the sake of humanity (I deserve an award or maybe another cup of coffee for that). Moods differ from emotions in that they are less specific, less intense, and less likely to be triggered by a particular stimulus or event . They are either positive or negative. We fail to realize that moods actually affect our overall health and perception towards life. I’m surely not in a good mood all the time but I make the effort to correct my mood swings by smiling (Yes, I was the crazy girl who was smiling for no reason at all, signs). Moods subconsciously affect our decision-making, so never promise when you are Jubilant, don’t answer when you are angry or hangry (Hungry + Angry) and don’t decide when you are upset. If you are getting way to many mood swings for the sake others well-being get in touch with a doctor A.S.A.P.

Well all that being said, Take care of yourself my lovely folks out there, love yourself first not the Prada shoes you just bought. Make happiness your priority and part of your ambition.

Doing things a bit differently

According to the free -“different”means – Unlike in form, quality, amount, or nature; dissimilar: took different approaches to the problem.

Well you see instead of using Oxford dictionary I used the google search bar to retrieve my information. You can state that i am lazy, not putting enough effort to get the right information but let me ask you this ” wasn’t the job complete ? Wasn’t it simple ? The meaning doesn’t differ nor does it affect anything?”.

Are you a street smart or a geek , what difference does it make ? getting the job done should only be the concern. Performing a simple task or thinking a bit out of the box makes you who you are , it is a part of your personality . Our learning capacity is different, so is our way of expressing one’s emotion. I hate the way the society compare each of us according to our grades, religion, caste, creed , sexual preferences,and colour of my skin. Stop allowing them to judge you , remember you create society , society doesn’t create you .

So when you do things a bit differently it is okay …. Don’t be scared , because people either want to be just like you or detest you.

Life will teach you several little things about you , just give it some time .

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